Friday, May 22, 2009

Absolute phrases-cause and effect:

1. The girl having lied about her criminal record, the employment application was denied. (Dishonesty lead to refusal of employment)

Prepositional phases acting as an adjective:

1. The white blouse with the pink collar was found in the trash.
2. The red envelope with the word mummy was placed on the coffin.

Gerund phrase acting as direct object:

1. Roller coaster enthusiasts enjoy the spinning rides at the Texas State Fair.
2. The storm chaser loved chasing tornados.

Present participle phrase

1. Trying to yell for help, water filling her lungs, and her body sinking, Megan was drowning in the lake. Modifying

2. Sherman Alexie, writing in his study, eventually produced a novel.

Infinitive phrase acting as the subject of a sentence

1. To succeed takes determination, honestly, and a positive attitude.
(Infinitive phrase acting as noun and subject of the sentence)

2. Avery studied to receive an A on the grammar exam.
(Infinitive phrase acting as adverb and subject of the sentence)

3. Larry is a man to trust.
(Infinitive phrase acting as an adjective and subject of the sentence)

Adjective clause, adverbial clause, and a noun clause acting as the subject of sentence

1. The police knew the name of the man who wrote the threatening lett

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